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This time of year

I've heard a lot of people say lately that Fall is their favorite time of year. I am no different, I look forward to fall like I look forward to a long hot shower. The summer drains me, especially when pregnant and especially with a new baby. I like the cook crisp air of fall and I like the leaves when they crunch, I like all of the cliché things too such as boots, sweaters, and the good ol' pumpkin spice latte. (which I have recently tried to recreate at home and have failed miserably) Something I would like to start doing this fall on the blog is reviews. I am currently in the market for a nespresso and when I do get it I would like to review it here on the blog. I am a huge coffee/espresso lover and any time I find something that changes the game I'm going to share it. I would also like to do baby/toddler reviews, I just signed up to receive Highlights, the childrens magazine that I used to read when I was little. Well they have a new baby/toddler version where the pages are suppose to be rip-proof. Excited about that! That was off topic. Anyhow this time of year I like to take long walks, I like to drink hot coffee and I like to huddle around a camp fire. While I am able to do these things I have to be a bit more strategic with my time since I have 2 under 2. Grant is more awake these days and rebelling against his carseat and the baby carrier so I have to get a sitter If I want to go on that long walk, whereas Tucker is absolutely loving the stroller so maybe I will take him with me. Can I mention one thing though? Nearly a year and a half after having Tucker and I STILL miss my husband. Not that he's not home often because he is but it's still not the same as being Kid free with him. We spent so much time together before kids, taking long walks, drinking coffee, going on hikes, and going to the movies. None of which we get to do now and it's almost like I'm mourning that old relationship and trying to form this new one where I don't get to see him nearly as much as I used to and when I get to these days I'm too tired to put much effort in besides vegging out in front of the tv and watching our show together. Anyhow that said I'm looking forward to school work this fall (I like to learn, who knew) and starting a new pop pilates class at the end of this month. Also looking forward to Halloween, which is one of my most favorite holidays! I wanted to dress up but yea, with a rebellious husband, no way. Anyhow there's a random update for you. Also I would like to start sharing with you what I am currently reading. Enjoy.
Reading: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
Until Next Time


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