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Showing posts from February, 2016

Losing Yourself

The thing that's impacted my sanity the most since having little ones is the fact that i don't make time to workout anymore. For me it all goes down hill from there. When I don't work out a lot of other things start to happen, for instance; my Pepsi habit. I can get so addicted to something, especially if it has addicting qualities in it like Caffeine, or Chocolate. I've also started eating ramen noodles again. I mean really thats the worst for me, bottom of the bottle so they say. I don't know this body i have right now. It jiggles and gets tired easy, and most of all it's slow. That's not me. Since I have this new body I feel like i've lost myself. When you don't feel good about yourself your whole attitude and demeanor change, you feel gross. I don't want to lose myself, I like myself, I want it back. In reality I don't think it will be too hard, especially since i'm starting my workout classes soon, in 2 days actually. I feel grossly