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Good Times

Last night 95/29/15) Josh and I went out with friends. Tucker spent the night with Josh's family and although going out with a group of friends brings me anxiety, leaving my child overnight brings even more anxiety. I had spent the whole day with Tucker but I feel like I have attachment issues because, let me tell you, it wasn't easy leaving him to go hang out with friends. I miss that kid even when I'm away for an hour or two. But alas we left and met up with some friends for dinner and dessert out in Lexington. When I say that a night out with friends brings me anxiety I mean that in a way that I have no clue how to act therefore I freeze up and am awkwardly silent. Sometimes I eventually come out of my shell but the need to come up with something intelligent or witty cripples me and I ultimately sit there in awkward silence. Last night went a bit better, mostly because my husband was the one sitting there in awkward silence and all I could think was "we can't both be awkward, no one will want us around" so I tried to pep up and talk more, which went well. We have an awesome group of friends, just good people, and although Josh and I feel like the outsiders a bit we're trying, and they don't even notice we're outsiders, so thank God for them! Although I missed Tucker I know as parents we need to do some things without our kiddo, it's just hard. Anyone else feel that way?


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