I am probably the most tired I have ever been in my life, but that's okay because I am currently growing a baby in my belly and running after a really fast 8 month old. Life is good. Exhausting in the best way. Tucker is at the stage where everything is fun and happy. He makes me smile more often then ever. Although one of the reasons I am so tired is because he still does not sleep through the night (perhaps its worse than ever now) but if that's his only problem, I'm not going to complain. This winter has been crazy, Tucker and I have been pretty restless cooped up in the house, I cannot wait until warm weather and we can go to the park more! I think that might be good for his sleeping habits too! Anyways just a quick update, sometimes I don't know what to write about, my brain capacity is so full these days with baby, baby, baby that I can't think straight, so I will write when I have something on my mind. :)
I was having a conversation with my mom yesterday about eating and self control. I can't tell you how many times I have racked my brain for motivation and simple logic on how to better control myself around food. I feel like if you have self control you don't have to be on a diet all you need to do is eat what you want just don't eat so much of it and you've got the whole being healthy thing figured out. Of course it wouldn't hurt to add some good in, that has to be said. BUT I can't seem to figure out how to control my eating when it comes to sitting down and eating supper, I overeat every sinlge time. I have two kids so sitting down to eat isn't as interesting as it used to be. When I would cook meals before I would typically slave for about an hour and by the time I sat down I would eat a small amount then be too tired to eat anymore. Weird I know. Funny thing is when you spend the time cooking a meal eating it is not as interesting as eating something...
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