I wanted to start a new update on the blog called: Motherhood right now. It will be an update on parenting and what it looks like with my two little ones at the particular age and season of life we are all in. So lets getting started by saying Tuck is practically 21 months and Grant is practically 8 months old.
At the moment motherhood could be easier. I have two mama's boys and tend to choose their mom over anyone else. Which could not be more sweet. For instance after teaching my workout class last night I got home and my littlest calmed right down and was happy and my oldest sat in my lap and gave me 100 kisses. On the other hand Grant cried for 45 minutes while I was gone, which breaks my heart and bothers me to know he misses me so much when I'm at work, but I also know its good for him to be with his grandparents and it's good for me to work. I would love to be with my boys 24/7 but I have to work and work is good for me, it keeps my mind busy and I get to be someone else when I'm at work, someone who knows the answers and knows what needs to be done and does it with confidence and can go home knowing a job was well done. Motherhood is absolutely not the same. Motherhood for me right now is thinking that everything I am doing is wrong, from nap time schedules, to bedtime schedules, to what I'm feeding my kids to how I'm dressing them. I have a million thoughts a day about what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. Lets face it you only get one chance to raise your kids and I want to do it right. I realize I might be over thinking this but I want to do right by my boys. I've done better about not stressing the small stuff but I still stress the big stuff. A lot.
Motherhood right now is also lots of hugs and laughing and getting to be looked at through little eyes that think you make the world go round. When I look down at my littlest one nursing and he's just starting back with that look in his eyes, such admiration, it warms me and I think for a split second, I'm doing everything right. I couldn't be loving those boys more so I know for sure I am doing that right. Tucker is currently saying more, although he is shortening all his words: Choc (Chocolate), Thanks (Thank you), Welc (Your Welcome), he can also say Help, Lets go, You Okay?, Iris, Con, Au (Autumn his little cousin), Momma, Da (short for Dada), Bro (brother), Where did she go?, cereal, snack, and a load of other things that aren't coming to mind. I love how he calls me Momma and when I leave a room he will ask in the sweetest voice I've ever hear "where did she go?". A couple days ago I cut Tuckers bangs all by myself and they look pretty darn good, better than when I went to the salon and had them trimmed since he wouldn't cooperate. Grant is trying to crawl and he is mesmerized by his big brother, I see him crawling by next week. His new favorite thing is to walk while you are holding his hands. He is getting so much hair its coming in so fast and so blond. Life can be so stressful with kids, but if you calm down and remind yourself how luck you are to have healthy smart beautiful kids you can truly appreciate the moments. Until next time
At the moment motherhood could be easier. I have two mama's boys and tend to choose their mom over anyone else. Which could not be more sweet. For instance after teaching my workout class last night I got home and my littlest calmed right down and was happy and my oldest sat in my lap and gave me 100 kisses. On the other hand Grant cried for 45 minutes while I was gone, which breaks my heart and bothers me to know he misses me so much when I'm at work, but I also know its good for him to be with his grandparents and it's good for me to work. I would love to be with my boys 24/7 but I have to work and work is good for me, it keeps my mind busy and I get to be someone else when I'm at work, someone who knows the answers and knows what needs to be done and does it with confidence and can go home knowing a job was well done. Motherhood is absolutely not the same. Motherhood for me right now is thinking that everything I am doing is wrong, from nap time schedules, to bedtime schedules, to what I'm feeding my kids to how I'm dressing them. I have a million thoughts a day about what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. Lets face it you only get one chance to raise your kids and I want to do it right. I realize I might be over thinking this but I want to do right by my boys. I've done better about not stressing the small stuff but I still stress the big stuff. A lot.
Motherhood right now is also lots of hugs and laughing and getting to be looked at through little eyes that think you make the world go round. When I look down at my littlest one nursing and he's just starting back with that look in his eyes, such admiration, it warms me and I think for a split second, I'm doing everything right. I couldn't be loving those boys more so I know for sure I am doing that right. Tucker is currently saying more, although he is shortening all his words: Choc (Chocolate), Thanks (Thank you), Welc (Your Welcome), he can also say Help, Lets go, You Okay?, Iris, Con, Au (Autumn his little cousin), Momma, Da (short for Dada), Bro (brother), Where did she go?, cereal, snack, and a load of other things that aren't coming to mind. I love how he calls me Momma and when I leave a room he will ask in the sweetest voice I've ever hear "where did she go?". A couple days ago I cut Tuckers bangs all by myself and they look pretty darn good, better than when I went to the salon and had them trimmed since he wouldn't cooperate. Grant is trying to crawl and he is mesmerized by his big brother, I see him crawling by next week. His new favorite thing is to walk while you are holding his hands. He is getting so much hair its coming in so fast and so blond. Life can be so stressful with kids, but if you calm down and remind yourself how luck you are to have healthy smart beautiful kids you can truly appreciate the moments. Until next time
You are doing a wonderful job of being the best mommy those little boys could ever have. I'm very proud of you.Thanks for giving your dad and I two awesome grandsons!!! Love you tons! Mom