My confession: I watch youtube religiously. I love watching families film their lives (especially the families that are from other countries) and I love to watch beauty gurus put makeup on even though I don't wear that much makeup. I keep up with a few families who put up videos everyday and almost watch them every single day. I am addicted. Anyhow there is a downside, I don't know if anyone else does this, but I am ridiculously bad at comparing myself to others. I hate it but I do it anyway and in a way it motivates me but in a lot of bad ways it gets me down. So I was on youtube this morning watching a vlog my husband referred to me and he was having a bad day but made a very encouraging positive comment I wanted to share because I want to try to remember it everyday!
"we all have problems the best thing we can do is solve one problem at a time, slap a smile on our face and do not worry, because worrying does not change the outcome, keep moving forward, smile and take a breath" -Roman Atwood
Although the quote has nothing to do with comparing ourselves to others, I've realized NO ONE is putting their dirty laundry on youtube, we only see 10-20 minutes of their "happy" day and "perfect" life, no one is perfect, and everyone has problems. So when I'm watching a youtube video and start to compare myself I'm going to come back to this post and remember!
"we all have problems the best thing we can do is solve one problem at a time, slap a smile on our face and do not worry, because worrying does not change the outcome, keep moving forward, smile and take a breath" -Roman Atwood
Although the quote has nothing to do with comparing ourselves to others, I've realized NO ONE is putting their dirty laundry on youtube, we only see 10-20 minutes of their "happy" day and "perfect" life, no one is perfect, and everyone has problems. So when I'm watching a youtube video and start to compare myself I'm going to come back to this post and remember!
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