I feel like since the birth of my baby the topic of conversation is now sleep. In the first month or two of his life it was his pooping habits along with his sleep habits but now it's pretty much just sleep. How is he sleeping? Did he sleep through the night? Did you get sleep? I for one talk about it the most. Not that I get questions so much as I'm telling everyone "He isn't sleeping" in hopes they will give me some advice that I might try. And I have to admit, any little thing someone has suggested I HAVE TRIED. So far the best thing has been turning the vacuum cleaner on! Thank the Lord my best friend told me about this secret because, I still don't know where I'd be if she hadn't! Anyways right now Tucker is a pretty restless sleeper and Josh and I are pretty much having to jump up and turn the vacuum cleaner on 2 or 3 times a night and then at least one time pick him up and soothe him or feed him. We've tried the noise app and apparently it does not sound like the original thing so it doesn't help. This makes for a lot of interrupted sleep. You can never really predict how he's going to sleep. He's always throwing us for a loop, just when we think we have it figured out. Like last night I put him down and he seemed so peaceful and comfortable, so I go brush my teeth and what do I hear while doing so...his cry. At first I thought it was something I was doing wrong, or that I had done something wrong during pregnancy (Isn't it funny how I always have to blame it on something), but I now know that this is just what some babies do. I didn't realize this before because I have two other babies born around the time of Tuck and they both sleep through the night, I've even heard "I have to wake them up to eat", so you can see why I would compare my baby and think something is wrong. But this isn't the case, some babies just don't sleep as well as others. Thank goodness I have a supportive husband and my mother-in-law to watch Tucker when it's been a real bad night, so I can go home and nap, uninterrupted. I guess I'm writing this post to remind myself that it's okay if Tucker isn't sleeping, all in all he is healthy and this is completely normal. He may never sleep through the night but I'm getting used to the lack of sleep and I wouldn't change a thing. Who needs sleep anyways. *psht*
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