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Showing posts from October, 2014


I feel like since the birth of my baby the topic of conversation is now sleep. In the first month or two of his life it was his pooping habits along with his sleep habits but now it's pretty much just sleep. How is he sleeping? Did he sleep through the night? Did you get sleep? I for one talk about it the most. Not that I get questions so much as I'm telling everyone "He isn't sleeping" in hopes they will give me some advice that I might try. And I have to admit, any little thing someone has suggested I HAVE TRIED. So far the best thing has been turning the vacuum cleaner on! Thank the Lord my best friend told me about this secret because, I still don't know where I'd be if she hadn't! Anyways right now Tucker is a pretty restless sleeper and Josh and I are pretty much having to jump up and turn the vacuum cleaner on 2 or 3 times a night and then at least one time pick him up and soothe him or feed him. We've tried the noise app and apparently...

Date Night

Last night (Sunday night) was date night for Josh and me. It was the first time we had seen a movie since I was maybe 6 months pregnant. Something that we used to do all the time, anytime, it had taken us 7 months to do. I had worked all day (sidenote: I wake up at 3:30am to get ready for work to be there by 4:30 am...I have heard this is a bit crazy) and was very tired and missed my baby, but we forged on and went anyway. We drove the 45 minutes to Corbin to see a two and a half hour movie (Gone Girl, I highly recommend it!) so by the time we got out it was around 7 pm. From lack of seeing my baby and being so hungry I was shaking, I was ready to grab something fast and go home. The last 30 minutes of the movie I was trying to come up with a way to tell Josh this. We had both wanted a steak dinner and just some time to ingest food at a normal speed (unlike "the baby is going to cry" speed) so I didn't know how he'd feel about changing plans . So while I was wai...


Today I talked to a breast feeding momma, and again the thought ran through my head "She's so lucky I wish I could do that for Tucker, it would make life so much easier" First let me tell you a little background on my breastfeeding experience: Tucker has never latched more than 30 seconds. He does not like the boob. I struggled two good weeks trying to get him to latch to no avail. So for those weeks I pumped and we fed him with a bottle. It eventually got exhausting trying to take care of a newborn and pump and do all the dishes that go along with it, so I stopped. I felt guilty, so two weeks later I tried to get my milk supply back. I tried for maybe 2 days and the most I got out of a whole day was 2oz. I told myself if he will latch I'll stick with it and if not, I'm done. Obviously he didn't latch and now he's four months old and spitting up formula like clockwork and having tummy troubles. All I can think is that if he was on breast milk he w...

Family Weekend Away

*It's funny how pictures make everything appear perfect, not at all like you are stressed, tired, or just experienced a melt down* So I know you're wondering from my last post, How did this weekend go? It turned out to be great! Although Tuck was teething and had a bit of a meltdown at breakfast Saturday morning (which we learned from our friends that it wasn't so bad to them, it was only bad to us), he did great the rest of the trip. After breakfast we went shopping and Tucker was FINALLY asleep...then we figure out we have forgotten his Josh has to carry him in his carseat the whole time. Tucker+carseat= We Survived. We learned a lot and that trip was good for us, we now know we have a little bit thicker skin and can handle a more everyday. -B

I Lied

I lied when I said I was getting used to living outside of my comfort zone. I thought Josh and I were getting used to it, but then the realization came and sure enough...we're not. With each new thing we learn about Tucker we create this comfortzone in itself. For example We learn that he likes a certain kind of food so we only stick to that food, because the day before his belly didn't seem to hurt and he went right to sleep that night. (Right now that is squash) So he gets squash once a day and the rest of the day formula. Maybe this is adjusting rather than being comfortable, but most of the time I think to myself "I wonder if he will peas" mostly because I love peas lol but then i'm all "what if peas hurt his belly? He is never getting peas" Maybe this weekend will teach us a thing or two. Maybe we'll do more after this; or maybe we'll crawl in a hole and never come out. ;) -Beth

staying sane

I use the words "staying sane" loosely because really I feel like this whole new not very sane person. There are days I can't even put words in the correct order. Seriously I have my moments. But I feel like since my little boy was born (almost 4 months ago... WHAT) I have done a somewhat decent job of keeping my head a float. *disclaimer: I don't think I could have made it without literally pulling all of my hair out without my Husband! He's more wonderful than I could have ever imagined! Without him I do not want to know where I would be. Anyhow, before I had Tucker I was a latte addict, I had perfected how to make the perfect espresso in my mocha pot. I mean I had it down to a science. I knew exactly how to froth my milk and to what temperature. I had so much free time on my hands that it was ridiculous. And yes, that's how I spent some of it. lol But getting back to making lattes at home is how I stay sane. I gently pull in clips of my old life in...

I can't wait until...

As a new mom, I said a lot of things when I was pregnant that started with "I can't wait until..." I can't wait until I can put Tucker in the baby carrier and go on hikes I can't wait until I can put Tucker in the stroller and go on long walks in the evening I can't wait until we can take Tucker out of town and travel with him I can't wait until we can take family pictures Fastforward to now. Boy was I ignorantly blissful. Tucker does not like to be in the stroller, or in the baby carrier, he doesn't care for long car rides either. My sister-in-law and I took Tucker and her little one to have Halloween pictures taken a week ago, yea Tucker did not care for those too much either. As I sit here and write this I think about all the "I can't wait until..." comments I've made since Tucker has been born. I can't wait until Tucker can hold his head up on his own (done) I can't wait until he can eat baby food (done) I can...

Early Mornings

It's 7 am and I've been up since 4:30, first to feed Tucker then to have some "me" time. As a new mom I find I am always going going going, If I'm not taking care of Tucker I am at work, if I'm not at work I'm either cleaning house, or doing homework, or spending time with family and trying to entertain Tucker. It's hard. But definitely more enjoyable than having a lot of free time (pre-baby life) where you just sit around the house and binge watch netflix. Yep that was my life. lol Now I'm tired all the time but it's totally fine, actually better than fine, I love my new life, getting up at 4:30 am is nothing, I've got this! So recently I've been thinking about what I used to do and what I used to enjoy before the baby so I can start to incorporate it back into my life. It has been an adjustment finding my new "mom-self" the thing is; I also don't want to lose who I am or who I was. I used to be what you would call a ...