Lately the husband and I have been talking about moving away, whether it be a few towns over that would be closer to his future job or it be a bigger town states away. It's this huge life changing decision that I don't like to make. Our little ones are so close to their grandparents and cousins, and we would absolutely hate to take them away but at the same time we both have this gut feeling of wanting more and wanting to experience more. Its almost like I'm torn between what's an easy decision and what is hard but could be the best thing for us. I'm not saying where we live now doesn't off "enough" it's just that we want more. It would be easy to take a piece of land given to us and build a house and live in the comfort of seeing our family almost everyday. It would be hard to choose exactly where to live and it would be hard to start over in a new place, living like we've never lived before. How do you decide. Obviously we would need to travel in the next couple of years to find out where we want to be but it's so scary. I've reached out to a few people for advice on how you just move cross country and leave your family and although they had some good advice it still seems like this big scary thing. Right now in my gut it feels wrong to go anywhere maybe it's because I'm tired all the time taking care of two kids, I keep waiting for my energy to hasn't, the whole task seems too exhausting to take on at the moment. I used to want to move away so much more than my husband and then as soon as he jumped on board I've shriveled up and backed out a bit. I still want to move but I'm scared. That's natural, I know. Until next time.
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