I find it hard to put into words everything that's going through my mind at 37 weeks and 6 days pregnant. I know that toward the end of most women's pregnancies they nest and clean and take care of house to prepare for baby, although I feel like I'm doing that, I also feel like I'm freaking out a little. As you know I have a 1 year old at home and now I'm freaking out about schedules. First let me say, I don't spend a lot of time at home, especially not as much time as I want. We are always visiting family or going out. In my ideal world I would be home more and cook more homemade meals. To me the key to eating healthy is cooking at home. So anyhow I have been freaking out about schedules because I fully believe in scheduling my time and I would LOVE to schedule my sons time, such as naps. BUT since we're not home (I work 4 days a week) as much that's pretty much impossible. So I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to stay sane with 2 little ones. If we had Tucker on a nap schedule it would be much easier to put the new baby on one as well that way they could nap together and I could get some "me" time or get some housework done while they nap. We could start to put Tuck on a nap schedule now but I don't feel like I could really add that to my plate. I would also love to get him out of our bed and back into his crib but I don't see that happening either, I am zapped of most of my energy to add new tasks to my life, keeping the house up is enough for me right now. Maybe this will all work its self out, but in the mean time I keep thinking of all the time I won't have and all the exhaustion that in ensue. Scare me. I remember how tired I was with just 1 baby, add a toddler in the mix and I will likely go mad if I can't figure some kind of schedule out. There is one light that is making me feel better, my husband will be home with me so maybe there is hope. Now if I could get him to get on board with the schedule deal we'd have something. Also I'm a bit impatient and really wish baby #2 was here already, I hate not knowing what it's going to be like and I really want to meet this little guy and see what he looks like! Until my next post, which I hope is sooner rather than later. Thanks for reading.
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