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Showing posts from January, 2015

Strong Enough

Will I be strong enough to be the parent I need to be? I have always wanted to do the right things by my son; I want to be the one to make the strong decisions not the easy ones. I want to do what will eventually make my son a strong, honorable, honest, and good person. He is seven months old and I feel like I have already failed him. I sit and think about how what he is learning now will shape his future. That baby is smart. He knows how to work me already. (Disclaimer: I am a very tired mom, have a full plate with working full time, taking college classes and still watching Tucker 4 days a week, and keeping the house in order, oh yea and trying to have a social life) He knows how to get what he wants. Just yesterday I was feeding him his oatmeal and he took the spoon from my hand and when I tried to take it back he squealed and bucked backwards in his highchair. Of course I gave the spoon back to him, I was tired and just wanted him to eat his oatmeal and not fuss. That, that mome...

Sleep Training

Tucker is now 7 months old. Tucker has never been a good sleeper. So now we are trying sleep training, and you have no idea how much I dread it. We have an article we are using that has all the instructions for the specific sleep training we will be doing ( I will reference it below) I watched a youtube video (which I will link below as well) of a mother who tried this method and it seems to be working for her, and we are going to give it a try. I wanted to document this because I wanted to be able to look back when Tucker is sleeping through the night, and know we did the right thing. You may be wondering what sleep training is, it can also be called the cry it out method, but ours will be a little different. Tucker could wake from his nap at any time so I better run, but I will be on here tomorrow hopefully with an update on how tonight goes. *cross your fingers for me!* Sleep training article: Youtube video we watched: https://www....

1st trimester (almost) down

Wow Will I really be 12 weeks pregnant on Monday? Yes. I know time is going to fly with this pregnancy because I have my hands full! Tucker is in this new adorable always smiling and KEEPING ME BUSY stage. He loves to hold on to my fingers and have me walk him around. I mean when he whines I'm pretty sure that's all he wants. Although it really hurts my back to bend over and walk around like that, I do it and will always do it because it makes him happy :) Life is already changing now that Tucker is a little more independent and more mobile. He doesn't crawl yet, but he can scoot himself on his belly 360 degrees and grab toys, he is getting better at playing by himself so that gives me a little more time to do laundry and pick up the house a little better. We have started to put him in his high chair while we eat supper at the table and let him try some of the food we're eating, most of the time he enjoys it. Sometimes with his short attention span he hates to be in h...