Will I be strong enough to be the parent I need to be? I have always wanted to do the right things by my son; I want to be the one to make the strong decisions not the easy ones. I want to do what will eventually make my son a strong, honorable, honest, and good person. He is seven months old and I feel like I have already failed him. I sit and think about how what he is learning now will shape his future. That baby is smart. He knows how to work me already. (Disclaimer: I am a very tired mom, have a full plate with working full time, taking college classes and still watching Tucker 4 days a week, and keeping the house in order, oh yea and trying to have a social life) He knows how to get what he wants. Just yesterday I was feeding him his oatmeal and he took the spoon from my hand and when I tried to take it back he squealed and bucked backwards in his highchair. Of course I gave the spoon back to him, I was tired and just wanted him to eat his oatmeal and not fuss. That, that mome...