I have been seeing the positive lately in just about everything. This time of life with two littles under 2 can be both exhausting and the most enriching. I love to watch my two boys learn and grow, I think this time around with my 3 month old I am hyper aware of how fast he is growing and learning. I didn't have much to compare with my oldest and now that I do it's absolutely incredible how my little Grant is growing by leaps and bounds. He is already rolling on his side! Tucker is developing a stronger personality everyday! He is a full blow toddler with his own attitude and flair. He can repeat almost anything, and he definitely chooses his words wisely, he only repeats what he wants and ignores everything else. He is strong willed and knows exactly what he wants. That is refreshing yet challenging. Sometimes he will try to communicate what he wants and I don't quite understand which frustrates him, but I can see the comedy in it because one day he won't be dep...