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Showing posts from October, 2015

Seeing the positive

I have been seeing the positive lately in just about everything. This time of life with two littles under 2 can be both exhausting and the most enriching. I love to watch my two boys learn and grow, I think this time around with my 3 month old I am hyper aware of how fast he is growing and learning. I didn't have much to compare with my oldest and now that I do it's absolutely incredible how my little Grant is growing by leaps and bounds. He is already rolling on his side! Tucker is developing a stronger personality everyday! He is a full blow toddler with his own attitude and flair. He can repeat almost anything, and he definitely chooses his words wisely, he only repeats what he wants and ignores everything else. He is strong willed and knows exactly what he wants. That is refreshing yet challenging. Sometimes he will try to communicate what he wants and I don't quite understand which frustrates him, but I can see the comedy in it because one day he won't be dep...


Challenges make me stronger. I learn from what has challenged me. I think everyone does, whether they know it or not. That's the thing about having kids, almost everyday is a challenge when they're little, anything can happen. You can wake up thinking today will be a good day, both kids slept good or both kids are in a great mood, and in the blink of an eye things can get very challenging. You can drive 45 blissful minutes in a car where both kids have behaved great, and get to the pumpkin batch and it goes to poo. Both kids are crying, one because he only napped 15 minutes and the other has you so confused you're panicking a little. But because you drove 45 minutes to get there you keep going, keeping getting them bundled up (which they hate) and you continue to put your crying baby in his baby carrier because all of the other times he loved it and you continue to put a crabby toddler in the stroller who will not wear his hood in the freezing wind. Challenges will ...

This time of year

I've heard a lot of people say lately that Fall is their favorite time of year. I am no different, I look forward to fall like I look forward to a long hot shower. The summer drains me, especially when pregnant and especially with a new baby. I like the cook crisp air of fall and I like the leaves when they crunch, I like all of the cliché things too such as boots, sweaters, and the good ol' pumpkin spice latte. (which I have recently tried to recreate at home and have failed miserably) Something I would like to start doing this fall on the blog is reviews. I am currently in the market for a nespresso and when I do get it I would like to review it here on the blog. I am a huge coffee/espresso lover and any time I find something that changes the game I'm going to share it. I would also like to do baby/toddler reviews, I just signed up to receive Highlights, the childrens magazine that I used to read when I was little. Well they have a new baby/toddler version where the pag...